Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
I sense a threesome coming.
Would've made the movie so much better
Omg a monster!! and that dinosaur in the back too!!!
Aww come on, that thing shouldn't be there.... Get rid of the one that sparkles, the Dino can stay and eat the moody chick.
another reason to hate twillight
Dinosaur+tree=still a better love story than Twilight.
Clever Girl...
Greatest paleological discovery ever! Raptors are attracted to sparkling!
Beastiality, Necrophilia and whatever the hell is on the right.
you win
Ahh! Dinosaur!
And this, kids, is called 'the food chain.'
Run Edward and Bella! Run!!....Ooh wait, actually stay right where u are and dont turn around.
I hope it eats them.
A vampire, his food, and a dino.
Open the lights!!! It'll shine!
Ahhhh! Dinosaur!
"life found a way"
So this would have made the movie less gay?
If only...
And the cameraman drops the camera and bails but leaves them there. Perfect!
Great now i have to watch that $#!ty movie just to see if it was shopped
Aww come on, that thing shouldn't be there.... Get rid of the one that sparkles, the Dino can stay and eat the moody chick.
Breaking dawn of the dinosaurs
I sense a threesome coming.