Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Definitely shopped. Not even a good effort. http://www.freewebs.com/frodoweb_89/ring3.jpg
One drink to rule them all.
È un messaggio! Terrazzo...sgabello...formaggio...borraccia blu...cazzo di gomma....eeeeeeh...cannuccia!
fake and gay
good try, but not enough. even a kid can tell wheter it is photo shop or not. loser
"Definitely fake, the characters that look like capital Cs don't exist in elvish." -- Wow. The fact that you know this makes me feel sorry for you. Enjoy your lifelong celibacy.
Good to know what soft drink the people of Middle Earth enjoy.
I can't tell what's harder to read, the ring or the text.
Yes... It can only be destroyed by falling into the volcano Mt. Pepsi.
Wait, I don't understand how this is a bad edit? It looks really good to me, actually. :L
Horribly edited. Here's the frame from the actual film- http://foxyurl.com/QYB
Sweet lord ........ of the rings
This is from The Lord Of Rings right? I didnt see that movie :v
Possibly shopped. Can anyone confirm?
Advertising these days.
Definitely fake, the characters that look like capital Cs don't exist in elvish.
It's fake. Here's the actual image http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/One_Ring?file=Ringfrodo.jpg
fek und geii
Its frodoshop
Product replacement
Definitely shopped. that blue rectangle was never in the movie. I dont think the orange words, line and circle were there as well but im not sure.
no coke pepsi
Definitely shopped. Not even a good effort. http://www.freewebs.com/frodoweb_89/ring3.jpg