Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
This is fucking stupid. There was a public entry contest to design the game of the year box for Bioshock, and someone entered this design that he admitted was supposed to look like goatse. It didn't win the competition and so this has never been on the box of any Bioshock game.
its a man open his anus with his hands (:
This is... actually a pretty good one.
Sorry but someone can explain this??
There is the infamous ring on the right hand, and well, you know, the penis.
That took me a while, BUT HOLY SHIT.
FUCK I FOUND THE ORIGINAL PIC ! Worst mistake in mi whole life.
Holy shit I see it now
[quote]holy... fucking... shit... whatever you do.... don't google goatse on urban dictionary then look at this [/quote] Yeah I just did it... probably worst mistake in my life
Holy shit I see it now
Holy shit I see it now
what is goatse? i see so many people saying it. what does it mean?!
holy... fucking... shit... whatever you do.... don't google goatse on urban dictionary then look at this
Aww man if u don't want to look it up (trust me you shouldn't) then I'll tell u. It's a man stretching his anus open as far as he can... Gross
Who's goatse?
Bioshock producers, are actually... /b/tards... WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?
just found the original pic also...with a background music of rape me......wtf!
Who wants to google goatse on google images without safe search? I know I do!
I dont see it
i didnt see it at first. but then i did. i am now mentally disturbed for the rest of my life..
Dafuq is a goatse
brahahahahah goatse...oh my goat
[quote]holy... fucking... shit... whatever you do.... don't google goatse on urban dictionary then look at this [/quote] Yeah I just did it... probably worst mistake in my life Read this after doing it, FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-
OMG it took awhile for me to notice then it hit me all the sudden. Wow....just wow. I've seen so many people make fun of goatse before.
because i googled this...im going to go slit my wrists..oh my god allmighty WHY
why did I looked up that picture......
Ho. Lee. Shit.
GOD i hate things like this it all started with my friend he was like Oh dude did u c the vid of the man who split his face in half i was like ill check it out reaction O.O then another one said # guys one hammer and i was like what and he was just 3 guys one hammer O.O and i was like ok reaction O.OMFg and there are many more I just ruined your life
OMFG I SEARCHED GOATSE AND .......im mentally retarded for looking at a man ripping his anus apart ......Bye bye dad
Oh My God I see it, I see it.
if you people think goatse is bad try one guy one screwdriver.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goatse.cx For a verbal description.
HAHHAahhahahhhHhhHhhahhahahaahh its a goatse for real :D omg guys thats realy twisted!!!
Just looked up a goatse. (facepalm)
I don't get it
Soooo, I looked it up cause I thought it was a symbol of some kind. Now I need to bleach my eyes. And clear my search history
I.. I can't.. MY EYES.
I got so scared when I saw it, I smashed my head on the keyboad.
i dont see goatse
... What?
it's lookin' at me >_>
Cheers, I had to Google 'Goatse' to find out what it is. Probably shouldn't have had it on Images, scared for life now!
lol at the one-ball penis
OK. What is it with Bioshock and Goatse? It's like the fourth pic of a possible goatse reference in Bioshock I see, this can't be a coincidence at this point.
It took me a while, but I got it
Me hmm i wonder what goatse is ill google it AH FUCK YUCK GET IT OFF
Are you all morons? Other than the guy who said this is fucking stupid, no one realises this was made on purpose to look like goatse? The designers of bioshock didn't make this picture, it was sent in by someone who created it as a joke...
This is fucking stupid. There was a public entry contest to design the game of the year box for Bioshock, and someone entered this design that he admitted was supposed to look like goatse. It didn't win the competition and so this has never been on the box of any Bioshock game.