Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
This is stupid...
brb cooking bacon
Go run into a fucken wall you dumb piece of shit.
OMG!!! He's missing a finger!!!
bleh... so lame.. im still waiting for italy as boot...
So glad I saw this. Now when someone asks me what reason do I have to live, I can say nothing.
omg is that a flying dog?!
If your head looks like that... see a doctor.
its actually a map of spain, portugal AND gibraltar
If that's how you see heads... you need some help, i would advise going to Portugal or Spain.
Do us all a favour, and go die quietly in a hole.
what the F.u.c.k
Does anyone have eggs please? I want to make a cake but I don't have eggs anymore...
...but there's a way better profile on the other side....
look,it's susan boyle.
I'm pretty sure you could make anything into a face if you have crappy paint skills.
somewhere, someone is trying too hard
This is stupid...