Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
The regions in the pokemon games are based of regions of Japan. I thought it was common knowledge...
Oh no way! A game made in Japan actually takes place in Japan!
Wow, if this actually matches up with Japan, they've been planning this since 1994.
Pubic hair. Top left.
ok, looks like different maps from the pokemon games placed over a map of japan... pretty cool if you figured this out yourself
Who the fuck didn't know that? Didn't Nintendo say that's what they meant it to be?
it would be epic if those areas look like the actual pokemon regions
Now hang on... if all of the games take place in Japan... Japan is pretty small. this brings me to the question: why the FUCK does it take the boat that ash always takes to the new area such a ball-breakingly long time? also, how do they explain the separation of the pokemon? Jhoto and Kanto are at most only 12 hours away from each other. there is no possible way to contain and separate even the majority of the pokemon from bleeding into the other areas!
I like the random line in the upper left-hand corner.
That line is a HUGE Gyarados as seen from space.
hey i have the one at the bottom yaaaay!
They have an entire article on this on Bulbapedia. Search 'Real World'
The islands in the north are actually part of Russia, not Japan. They must have been planning invading those areas since 1994 too.
This doesn't explain the lack of upskirt shots.
and gen 6 is in france and gen 7 is in hawaii
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And why do you think they called the first continent Kanto?
So pokemons r real yaaaaay!!
The regions in the pokemon games are based of regions of Japan. I thought it was common knowledge...