Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
anyone can draw a dick on something and you'll SEE a dick, if those line werent there you wouldnt see SHIT!
Do you people just spend all day studying pictures in search of dicks?
dicks dicks and more fucking dicks! what the fuck is this shit!
well what do you expect? thelast thing that went through his mind when he died was his ass
I kill you... with my dick
omg nothing looks like that unless you draw the effin' lines! (why are the lines always red?)
Not everything is a dick. However, you are certainly a dick.
So if Jeff Dunham is an asshole... eww
well he doesnt have a dick were it should be...they had to make up for it somehow =]
I Screw You!
I guess it just supports the thought that terrorists are dickheads.
holy fuck what is with these little kids who haven't grown up? dicks exist, dipshits. If you're seeing them all over the place then maybe Freud had something.
Penis, penis, penis, pokemon, penis. for f***'s sake enough!
wait wait why does it sensor d ick and not shit in the #1 sentance?
well this can easily be unseen -.-'
anyone can draw a dick on something and you'll SEE a dick, if those line werent there you wouldnt see SHIT!