Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
There are many more naked women inside of mine.
He meant it to look like a brain in the first place...
Aha... I KNEW he was in my imagination!
god lives in my brain?
Davinci Inside
lemme think this one over
That was Michelangelo's intention, fucknut.
This was done on purpose by Michalangelo as a snub to the church, because they were against human cadavaers. This wasnt to profess that man created God.
This was deliberate on behalf of the artist to profess that man created god.
It was meant to be like that.
QI moar.
Who has a naked oldman and women in their minds? .... A Gay pope thats who!
The artists of the Renaissance actually dissected dead humans to understand how they operate. Cool stuff.
...Not Da Vinci... Michelangelo.
Davinci is master of drawing poses showing equilibrium. God is balancing on buttock. Buttock is location of brain where Pineal gland is found. Descartes call Pineal the "SEAT" of the soul. Davinci depicts Pineal as gods "seat".
so THATS why guys masturbate!
inside of every mans brain there are some naked chicks..and an old man? :D
I knew he was just a figment of peoples imaginations!
Da Vinci? No. Michelangelo? Yes.
There are many more naked women inside of mine.