Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
No really? If you were as stupid as I was, you woulda read a Pokemon book and seen that it says "Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan were named after famous fighters Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan". Douchnozzels.
Good call?
4 out of 5... is this a joke?
interesting fact. they're not named after bruce and jackie. thats an american attempt to match the original japanese pun where the 2 were named after 2 completely different martial artists. look it up ;) and i cant remember the names sadly but i do remember that hitmontop is actually (in japanese) named after the african dance fighting style
You also forgot to point out that you're a dipshit.
but... nothing here looks like a d i c k...
fuck off
So that's why hitmonlee has better stats!
Who didn't see this when Pokemon were released? Durr hurr derp.
Interesting fact. Hitmonchan is named after Hiroyuki Ebihara. Hitmonlee is named after Tadashi Sawamura. The fighting style that guy up there is talking about is known as Kapoerer (Capoeria), which is what Hitmontop is named after.
No really? If you were as stupid as I was, you woulda read a Pokemon book and seen that it says "Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan were named after famous fighters Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan". Douchnozzels.