Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
zNUe? That's cheating!
Everyone who commented above me is a fucktard.
ZUNE = anus.
iPod backwards is sheep
it is photoshopped, look at the "e"
if you turn the zune logo sideways, it's the separatist symbol form Star Wars
"iPod backwards is sheep" - You're right: The people who do the opposite of owning an iPod are sheep who believe Windows and Windows-based products are better. Good call!
is that a cube or a hexagon with triangles
the top comment is retarded
It's not mirrored at all. Not vertically or horizontally. It's photoshopped.
Not the word backwards, moron, its a mirroring....
It's mirrored. They flipped the e upside-down to make it look like an a.
I opened MS Paint and mirrored it vertically and horizontally, and several combination of both. This "e" is shopped separately from the rest of the word. Which means this is not real. FAIL!
Dunt care if im a fucktard or not, but it says Penuz xd
I read this in my head as "Zenu" (Xenu).... -_- Why?!
Say iPod backwards and you get "dopey."
That's because zunes are only good for sticking up your anus.
For every dumb person that ask "the is is mirrored and backwards" we'll no dip Sherlock holmes!!it is like that or would look like a 'a' and then it spells anus..some people just lack brain!!!
Zuna? e is mirrored upside down, image maker is just noob!
for some reason i see anus
Join the dark side and anus!
That's because zunes are only good for sticking up your anus.
its anus!! xD xD
It works as a 180° rotation
Yeah, I got my ass out of my chair so i could look at it upside down, only to find that this motherfucking assraping cuntmunching koala dick switched the letters around and jumbled up my brain!
That's because zunes are only good for sticking up your anus.
Shoulda left "e" right-side up and highlighted top-right triangle and vertical line in logo. Hint: PENUS!!!!
no because its inverted and upside down dumbass
little did the top comment relize the Z is backwards if you flip it upside down. They actually spelled it backwards but flipped the "e" upside down. So your right to the second comment, he is a fucktard
Thank you for informing me. I'll just go play with my Znue.
You Idiots of course its photoshopped but its for a purpose the e is supposed to look like an a and its supposed to say anus if you dont get it move on to the next pic
zNUe? That's cheating!