Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
its actually a dog wearing a mask
it's actually a repost
that duck's dog mask looks like a turkey skull!
A duck from minecraft
why would i stick a duck in my computer, isn't that some sort of animal abuse
No you FUCKlNG idiot! Its called "A duck wearing a dogmask!"
It's a USB plug, disguised as a duck, wearing a dog mask.
computers are really made of mice and ducks.
if you stare REALLY closely then you can see a duck next to the usb
Its actually a lego man upside down.
I don't see the duck! Some one's gotta post a picture of an actual duck on here!
good thing u added a picture of an actual duck... totally forgot how they look...
it looks like an upsidedown robot
and not a single fuck (or duck) was given that day!
No, it's a duck wearing a dog mask.
captcha says to remain calm. LOL
apples and grapes
Actually..its a duck wearing a dog mask..
I don't see it. So technically, it can't be unseen
its actually a dog wearing a mask