Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
No, it's a dog wearing a mask
HAHAHAA, the guy with most votes, you win so hard!!
WHY is this picture TWICE on this site?
No, it's a dog trying to look like a duck and failing in it.
Lego man, if you look at it Upside Down :))
it's a person being eaten by a boa constrictor
Clayman! Neverhood!
the only thing I laughed at from looking at all the pictures, was the top comment lmfao that.. was f***ing awesome
Its somone smiling cuz a boa is eating his ass
no, its toad from mario
holy quack!
i see a mario brothers mushroom
No, its a baby in a blanket.
I'll tell you later
No its a robot snack with no brains
"No, it's a dog wearing a mask" I think you mean "Duck wearing a dog mask." facepalm.jpg
Turn it upside down it is now a robot
No, it's an upside down robot.
A different post said ducks were dogs wearing masks.
Now turn said "duck" upsidedown. Nice robot.
*looks at iPod charger* FUUUUUUUUUUU
The guy with +1881 votes is stupid
In which that facepalm.jpg is actually the Brazil World Cup
Uh no it's a USB cable
This belongs on WTFace!!
if you flip it,it looks like happy toast that just came out of the toaster!
no its a robot face
"No, it's a dog wearing a mask" dude, you win so epicly<3
The duck walked up to the lemonade stand and said to the man runnin the stand. Heyy... bombombom...got any grapes
Man I DID mean to say duck wearing a mask.. FFFFUUUUUUUU
No, it's a snake eating a person
it's a swan
AHAA, the guy with the most votes fails bad, he got it the wrong way around.
If you look at it upside down it's a baby
No, it's a robot if displayed upside down, retard that said it's a dog wearing a mask
it's a platypus, not a duck
I was the 1337 like on the top comment ^_^
facepalm.jpg guy, THANK YOU! I am seriously thinking "how did 1207 people not catch that?"
he's a cat. MEOW! flushin a toilet. he's a cat. MEOW! flushin a toilet. hes a cat flushin a toileeeet. he does not care,if hes wastin water. he likes to pull the trigger and watch the water go dooooown.
if u look upside down the metal part it a smiley :D
Maybe, but for sure you're a moron...
No, it's a duck wearing a mask.
No, it's a dog wearing a mask