Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
a penis with two penis? WTF
At least this gives small change to many 'Sweden fucking Germany' pics
First Finland is the balls and sweden is the penis now the godamn sea is the biggest Penis ever... whoopdefuckindoo
At least this gives small change to many 'Sweden fucking Germany' pics
*Handicapped *kneeling *penises *Seriously *what the fuck? TEH GRAMMER (AND SPELLING) NAZI STRIKS AGAIN!!!!!11!!1111!!!1
Handycapped guy kneeing with his (2) penis(es) out. srsly, WTF?
I want to rate this rubbish 0.
Kill yourself immediately.
Go figure, you draw a man with 2 penises on it and it looks like that, I bet it would look nothing like that if the drawing was not there.
Where is Kosovo
a penis with two penis? WTF