Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Actually, the Swastika was originally, and still is, a sign of peace in Buddhism. :)
"Actually, the Swastika was originally, and still is, a sign of peace in Buddhism. :) " I think you meant, "Prior to the Nazi's using it as their symbol while they killed six million Europeans, it was used by the Hindu's as a sign of good luck." However, in 2010, the use of the swastika as a symbol is used primarily by neo-Nazis and other hate groups including white supremacists.
Yeah...do you mean Hinduism?
The swastika and the peace sign look similar but they are in opposite ways bro
actually. you are alll fags :)
Actually the swastika and the budhism peace signal are 2 different symbols
ACTUALLY! The Swastika is a symbol of GOOD LUCK in a lot of Indian religions. So knock off the 'Hurr durrrr swastika is a symbol of peace how ironic!1!1!1'
My captcha is klatu berada nikto. Dafuq does that mean.
poor design :(
"Actually, the Swastika was originally, and still is, a sign of peace in Buddhism. :)" Actually, a BACKWARDS Swastika was originally, and still is, a sign of peace in Buddhism. :)
quick hide the jews!
Actually, starting every sentence with "actually" is pretty cool, actually.
The swastika was taken from one of the celtic peoples written languages, the "Elder Farthac ruins"
I used to visit Oxford all the time and there is an incinerator on each of these dorms as well, disabled, but still there.
OMG the anagramm of oxford is foxrod. plus the swastika.... scaredtodeath
And this is why some students/ employees at Umaine call the freshman halls "hitler hill" Not exactly something you don't at first sight.
"Actually, a BACKWARDS swastika is a sign of peace in Buddhism." ACTUALLY, a FORWARDS swastika is a sign of peace in Buddhism, and a BACKWARDS swastika is the Nazi symbol for the Aryan race. Hitler is the one who flipped it around, not the Buddhists/Hindus. For them it is a representation of shakti, the Devine sacred force of nature.
the buddism peace sign is actually a backwards swastika
I never knew Hitler was partial to architectural design...
The swastika is just a twisted cross and is used in several cultures, and in some different forms. Also, the Elder Futhark Runes are a Scandinavian and old Germanic alphabet. The swastika has no clear origin, but it IS used by Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. (for Islam it is primarily in the Indus Valley)
The swastika doesn't stand for peace. It points the other way than the peace sign.
Actually, the Swastika was originally, and still is, a sign of peace in Buddhism. :)