Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Yeah, it's photoshopped. I've seen Tom Cruise in person and he doesn't have that line down his face in real life.
Tom Cruise is a fvcking fàggot
Scientology splits people....
Nope, not photoshopped. His teeth are INDEED a bit off center. I noticed it as a little girl when I was obsessed with Legend.
Why do I have two front teeth? I want one like him!
Not shooped. Tom Cruise has three frontal teeth. It's not very abnormal, actually.
this picture has to do with the fact that his appearance has hardly changed through the aging process... retards -_-
I've actually also got only 3 front teeth.
Half Jim Carey Half Tom Cruise
What's the deal? A black line along a butt crack. Wait...
I love the single tooth in the middle
He has two different eye colour
OMG he has 3 front teeth
onne part: tom cruise, other part: jim carrey
its because his teeth are fake, at least the front ones are, he knocked them out on purpose because he thought it would fit his role in "the outsiders"
I am missing the same tooth he is. It's not as noticeable though.
Total recall has the three breasted woman...Legend has the three tooth faggot
i ruined the 911 likes
I looked at other pictures of him... it passes
2 different eye colors. Brown : Greenish Black
He has central eating.
Look at his teeth real close. WHAT THE HELL?
Both sides are gay!
Grossss his teeth .....
Ohhh, now I'm paranoid about my teeth being centred. ]:
Tom cruise apparently only has 1 front tooth...
I wonder if the real TC has three front teeth too.
Rly? I saw Tom Cruise in person and he totally had a line down his face.
its not shopped moron
Yeah he is missing a tooth I hafe the same thing
Okay...this one is actually fucking creepy
Holy crap that is terrifying!
type this in he really does have 3 front teeth and one brown and one blue eye
the line is pointing to his tooth in the middle
I no right
@Nope, not photoshopped. His teeth are INDEED a bit off center. - "Yes, you can see his incisors (sharp teeth) are 3 teeth apart, not the normal 2."
He is missing a lateral incisor is all I have that as well
His eyes are different colored
Tom Cruise has 3 front teeth :o
my teeth do this, my left front tooth is in the center of my head.
OMG WOAH You draw a straight line on a face!!! u must be a photoshop pro!!!!!
Apparently he's since had them corrected, that's why people don't believe it. Trust me, that was his hideous mug before hand.
He is not missing a tooth, nor does he have one extra. All his upper teeth are shifted to one side.
your balls are showin
@Nope, not photoshopped. His teeth are INDEED a bit off center. - "Yes, you can see his incisors (sharp teeth) are 3 teeth apart, not the normal 2."
poor man with an off-centered tooth... someone thinks hes wierd ):
So that ugly line explains why he always looks to the side on movie posters!
Its not photoshopped. google tom cruise smile and you'll see that his teeth are weird.
Guys many people have 2 different colored eyes. They may just just be more noticiable in this than in movies... My bro has 3 colors...
Its not photoshop... On the left side of his face u can even see a pimple/birthmark or whatever it is lol... So people who say it is photoshop, just shutup cause ur... Wait whats the word...? Oh yeh WRONG!!
Just look up tom cruise images and watch your dreams turn to dust. It's looks fake because of all the other photos. it might be photoshopped, might not. it might look like he has the tooth in the middle because of the way they took the picture, but hey, whatever sinks your boat.
Scientology... it can't fix everything :p
LOOK! his teeth are off to the side! clearly tom cruise is an alien! no wonder he's a scientologist!
The line just goes through where you'd normally see a gap in teeth. HURR DURR
Yeah, it's photoshopped. I've seen Tom Cruise in person and he doesn't have that line down his face in real life.