Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Posters aren't even trying anymore..
... what the fuck.
Clover was a sky worm?
...Aaaaannnnnnnndddddd NO
You failure...Look at the ripple in the water from the statue to the city, THAT cannot be unseen
people on here are so fucking stupid
I also see a bunny and a turtle in the clouds
If you put the picture mirrored on the other side it shows the monster in the middle just above ground level.
i bet it was delicious.
Go fuck yourself.
im surprised someone didnt draw the outline of a penis in red.
just above the head is another cloud that looks like a face.
The truth.... has been revealed. By a cloud.
If you mix the letters up in Cloverfield it spells penis.
She's missing a finger
I was going to mention how the ripple was far more noteworthy, but someone already beat me to it...
Posters aren't even trying anymore..