Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
hole-lee shh-it
there goes my fapping to harry potter
course it's shooped, but the point is how normal it looks...
This looks shopped...I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
"Daddy?! That means moms human right?"
avada kedavra! they both died. end of story.
RULE 63 !!!!
It's a photoshop. Cross your eyes and match the pictures up. You'll see it.
seems legit
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! D:
Richard Dawkins is HAWT.
You can tell it's shoped from how there's no pixilation near his mouth.
Look at the original on google of Dawkins - you'll see that all distinct facial features have been carried over from Watson.
They have the same mustaches. Obvious photoshop is obvious.
both original photos http://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/07-01-31images/richard_dawkins.jpg http://www.emma-watson-gallery.net/Emma%20Watson%20/Emma%20-%20in-a%20field%20.jpg
Shooped. They over-layed shadows from under his eyes, his mouth and nose, and put them on her. Good job though.
Look at the shadows below their eyes. They're exactly the same. Photoshopped.
hole-lee shh-it