Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Twitter, for people without heads.
Oh no - I lack head, limbs and the wheelchair!
You are 100% Correct!!!!
... and legs
Yeah, except that's not the twitter logo. The real one is curvier, like the t's in the word twitter right below it. Good try though
Personally, I see the katakana for 'hi'.
I guess twitter really is for the mentally handicapped
Nice try, but the International Symbol of Access is 40some years old, and twitter isnt even a fifth of that.
"Twitter, for disabled people without heads."
well he's headless, legless and some asshole stole his wheelchair, more than just headless
twitter for handicaps aka twittercaps or handitwits
Twatter explained.
So that's why no one likes twitter..
that explains a LOT...
"Twitter, for people without heads." I don't think it's common to have no legs from the knee down, either.
It Makes A Lot More Sense Now
Just shows how retarded people are using twitter
Its just a upside down F Face book
Where's the wheelchair? Meh...
twitter, for people who need head
Without heads and legs.
Google "twitter with his mind" and click the fist link.
I bow to this.
For people without a head or legs
twitter is for smart people but facebook or myspace .....
Twitter, for people without heads.