Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
You can say penis and balls. This is the internet.
what the fuck is this shit?
oh fucking hilarious.... the RARE and UNSEEN cock... how fucking original
I see cock
Guyyyyyyss. The tip of the "banana" is in the upper right corner. And it "stretches" diagonally towards the lower left corner, the umm..."grapes" are slightly left of center. How can someone NOT see that??
It's a dick you dumbasses.
If you didn't see that then you are too sheltered...... =my captcha said monaghan= FAIL!
Well.... as Rome's population existed out of only men in it's early days i don't find this very strange
no its a penis look sideways
Banana and grapes? Its a dick, and if you have a banana and grapes between your legs, stop sitting on the fruit bowl.
I dont get it
all i see is Rome. 1) the Colosseum. 2) circus maximus. 3) a bunch of Italian words that tell you what the places are.
holy crap it's Rome!
wheres kentucky?
let me guess some how thats supposed to look like genitals
It's the index key from Halo.
It's not JUST another stupid penis picture, if you look around it you can see that someone is jacking it...
You can say penis and balls. This is the internet.