Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
If it does, then where's my Bruce Campbell key?
the word " bed " looks like a bed
The word "word" looks like a word.
8==D /_/(|)\_\
BulletOn. apply directly to the forehead.
The word OK looks like a sideways person. Hey there buddy!
yes it does, the dot is the head and the stick pointing out horizontally are the arms........brrrrraAAAAAIIINNNNSssss
Boob the "B" is an aerial view the "oo" is a frontal view the "b" is a side view.
no not bruce campbell. where is te frank west/chuck greene key?
YEAH! The 'o' looks like an eye too. oh- oh and the 'l' is like a lampost.
go to note bad and type the letter f &j in lowercase form. looks like a penis
I think you played too much Minecraft.
Or or orrr..it could be an upside down exclamation mark with a dick
quick lets Esc
looks more like frankenstein to me
the l has his head shot of
if you go scroll down above the captca its says Solve If You Aren't A Zombie
hes doin the macarena lmao
I'm gonna go shoot some fags now. Who's in? OP, you're first! :D
Yes, yes It does
And "click" kinda reminds me of d***
8=====D~~~~ (^O^)
It looks like the chinese version of vampires
Ok lil man bed look like a bed kwl any1 else no any others I no the I one but it don't work on my computer i (see)
Minecraft Zombie
the l in else under like looks like a tall zombie
actually, it's a gay zombie, 'cause it looks on the left (rofl)
If you see Zombies on your text, is a sign you're fucking Stoned.
What font is that? 'Cause I would like to create my own elite force of zombie-corps for a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!
lol looks like a drowning man
I laught my ass of xD
i_i oh noessss were gonna die
I think he means - i ^
Why yes, yes it does
ray gun is needed!
No... it doesn't
its a very realistic zombie
I just loled
wtf. dude this website is called can't be unseen. like i expect the images on here to like blind me for life or make me want to bleach my eyeballs, not make me wanna say "oh hey. wadd ya know. that i sure does look sorta like a zombie. hmm that sure was somethin. might as well rate it a 4 and a half. welp, on to the next picture." This website is traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash.
fj looks like a penis
Thuis looks do much like a zombie. So.... What do they wanna dat with that?
Holy shit The dot on the I is the head The zombie's facing left, with its arms out in a typical zombie stance
If it does, then where's my Bruce Campbell key?