Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
I choose you....... no wait, nobody wants you
Bastards ripped off the pokedex trade mark square-with-a-tip-cut-off design
tooooo bad that the ds wasnt out when this was lololololololol failure
Why it the top right birds background black?
Those cards also come on none Nintendo shit too
fucking big deal!
you mean of course that the pokedex was designed with an old floppy disk for a screen, right? that shape has always been used for computer disks, since LOONG before pokemon existed. see? http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSc7ETM2gJFz7WTqx2ywo4UtZttqwklcY30GRbwoHddtMRXTVSDSxsnPKfglQ chopped off corner, square holes and all.
Yeah.... so?
Squares are like ninjas... they're everywhere.
Where is the PENlS??? I don't see it.
its a Nintendo Ds.........idoit got it at the first try
So they're both squares?
Dude, he's missing a finger.
I see a Gameboy on the left side and a calculator on the other.
you do realise NINTENDO are the only people who do pokémon games by trademark, Pokédex is supposed to be like that believe it or not the shape of Nintendo DS game cards were created off them and apart form Nintendo dogs, Pokémon was the only other game out for DS when they were first created
Look at the damn sticker of the Ds thing, then at the white part of the red shit.
That moment when you're waiting for the website to load so you can see the picture, but when it does, the picture never shows.
I always thought, even when watching the show as a kid, that the pokedex like the DS was a throwback to the Game and Watch games.
I choose you....... no wait, nobody wants you