Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
the comments are more interesting then the pictures on here
Once again, idiots. -.-
man-bear-pig! (johnstone flouncing was my captcha for the record)
yeah and there's a school girl with her hand up the bears butt.
It's supposed to be there. Look it up.
What about the little girl touching pedobears butt?
I think the town Toblerone was made in is also known as "Mountain of the Bear" so that's where the logo came from.
NOPE Just Chuck Testa
OMG its man-bear-pig (From south park)
That's the point. Dur
It's Bear Grylls :D
Simpsons did it
He has one more arm behind his body. WHY DID YOU NOT LINK EM UP???!
top comment
if you talk about manbearpig you're going to have a bad time
That's the point idiot.
No stupid its a Pig-Bear-Mountain
Lol. It's a realistic PedoBear.
so they finally took my advice and put pedobear on mt. rushmore... :D
Actually this bear should be on this Logo because its from Austria or Swiitzerland?! Anyway the bear represents the sate!
It's missing a finger!
It's a bear, because Toblerone was made in the city of Bern, who have bears in the zoo and a famous belief that if the bears left the city, the city would burn to the ground. It was designed to have the bear in to symbolise the city of Bern.
And here comes the fairy bear prancing his way into your whore mouth!
the comments are more interesting then the pictures on here