Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
cantbeunseen.com is in the lower right
That's cuz they didn't want to change the name when they added the 11th team..
Big Ten cranks this shit UP TO ELEVEN.
I see a Penis!
the chunk out of the T makes this pretty damn obvious...
so what?
Could it be that this is 2011? Abbreviated '11? NAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
there are twelve teams so wheres the new logo or name?
Umm, They made of point of showing that when they redesigned it. Lame.
I pooped a little.
noooooooooooo shit
you're a dumb f***
PENN STATE! added as the 11th team to the big 10 conference in the early 1990. the redesign was meant to be like that. douches.
what are they gonna do when Nebraska joins the conference??
cantbeunseen.com is in the lower right