Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Computers are like air conditioners... they don't work if you open windows.
this picture brought to you by Linux
"Computers are like air conditioners... they don't work if you open windows." idk when i open my window my a/c still works...
On cement is where your Windows is going to end up.
I bought a mac just so I can install windows 7 on it, in your face apple!!
Too bad these weren't in order.. That would have been creepy. The actual order is NT ('93), CE ('96) and ME (2000)
The mac fanboys are out today it seems.
Cement has better virus protection.
Having Microsoft Windows is similar to having our freedom of speech whereas having a mac is like being owned by steve jobs. He is like your king forcing you to obey what he says. You can do this, you cannot do this. The only thing restricting you on a PC are the legal issues enforced by the law. I'm a PC man and will always remain so. I will admit though apple computers look nice and professional at a glimpse, although I can make my PC look just as good with versatility.
Please tell me you guys saw "See me 'n teh workstation".
LOL windows fanboys talking about "no restrictions" xD LOLZ Seriously, you KNOW that Linux gives you MORE freedom than windz? You know?
that being said, using microsoft boxes as bricks is very eco friendly.
kinda like the govmnt give you hope but in the end you get screwed
Macs are like "iCement"
And now we know what Vista's made of.
More like windows dement
Firstly, as someone else said, they aren't in the same order, secondly, CE was mostly used on palmtops and POS (Point of Sale) systems, it wasn't meant to be a standalone operating system.
Bill Gates was actually a construction worker...
if you wanna play that game then CEMENT ftw!
you should remove the t
"Having Microsoft Windows is similar to having our freedom of speech whereas having a mac is like being owned by steve jobs." lol, he just used Microsoft and Freedom in the same sentence
This is older than the internet.
what your brain will become if you use the products
So....if this makes cement, that what are Macs?
Computers are like air conditioners... they don't work if you open windows.