Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Morgan Freeman.. is not amused
His nose looks like a chode
The sails on the boat in the picture behind him resemble Klansmen.
I'm sick and tired of you looking over my shoulder all the time George!
Everything behind him just represents slaves
bricks were shat in the viewing of this shit
Quote of Morgan Freeman, Boondocks: HUEY! Never tell the white man the truth! In fact, I'ma find a white man to lie to right now....
No wonder he's not amused, he's on the Colbert Report.
Son, I am disappoint.
Some KKK guys on the left
"Do I look like the picture behind me?"
call me random but my brain **** exploded when I realized that the rapper Flo Rida is from Florida. That's why he's called that...(:
Morgan Freeman.. is not amused