Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Fu*k, and after being on this site for hours, i immediately think of howthey can resemble a penis.
This Site is 65% Pokemon, 25% "MIMAL" USA Map, and 10% Nintendo Controller Likeness.
thats the whole gaddamn point dipshit...
Omg a dick! [/fag]
Haha, my CAPTCHA was spitting image.
thank you fuckin' captain obvious for pointing that out.
Maybe they figured out the shape of a human hand and made controllers to fit it. Bah! Just kidding, it's total crazy coincidence.
gotta say some of these pictures are cool, but the description guy is such a buzz kill
So playing a video game is the same as masturbation?
you there... right there. i see a NOBODY GIVES A FUCK!!
"This Site is 65% Pokemon, 25% "MIMAL" USA Map, and 10% Nintendo Controller Likeness." You forgot the 110% penis.
anal probes
It because it frigin' designed to fit in hand
some of these are just retarded. I hope those asshole who post shit die.
It's a dog with a duck mask
Wow. It's almost as if they were made by the same company.
Fu*k, and after being on this site for hours, i immediately think of howthey can resemble a penis.