Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
kentucky is the chicken... IRONY!
Actually, Leonardo wasn't trying to make a penis in this painting which is called the Virgin of the Rocks. His focus in this painting was of the human figures which he loved to recreate and the use of Chiaroscuro to bring the figures out by sort of spotlighting them against the background. There isn't always some form of genitalia in every piece of work and making one on paint is quite a stretch.
omg your right! if you draw a penis on the picture it DOES look like a penis! WOW!
...Fuck everyone who sees penis in everything, thats so fucking gay
wow you people /posterers are obsessed with penises. Do you not have one or something?
Hahah guys the penis is supposed to be there. It was basically a big fuck you to the catholic church who commissioned this painting. HAVENT YOU READ THE DA VINCI CODE?
man, you're sick
If you look hard enough, you will see a penis in everything except your boxers.
ok...........this is the hundrenth penis i have seen the whole time i have been here! If you look hard enough everything is a penis!Also if you look hard enough to find the penis in everythin ur odviously gay!........in conclusion FUCK YOU
cool, you just randomly drew 2 testicles and a penis on a painting. i got bad news for you...
it's losers who have nothing better to do in their free time than to look at pictures and search for a penis!
AHahahaha this is on my art history test tomorrow
Ya know, not EVERYTHING is a penis.
I see Pyramid Head looming behind them.
Hell in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.
I absolutely love this site, just to read all the epic rage responses
wow fucking homos
Rule 34?
kentucky is the chicken... IRONY!