Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
haha. the god damn controversy one image can create.
um... last post, you should probably GET your facts STRAIGHT. all you really have to do is type SWASTIKA into google, or whatever search engine you prefer. think, then speak. think. speak. or type. whatever. above all else, chilllll the fuck out.
Like they say, the swastika is a common pattern in any basket-weaving society.
yet ANOTHER illuminati connection
I have a columbia backpack, and my friend always bugs me about having a swastika on my backpack. ..
its not the illuminati moron... and people like ur comment... bunch of tards
Oh, I guess somebody got interested on how to become a Nazi.
Fail, it doesnt connect.
That's why I buy Northface.
The swastika actually was a religious symbol that meant peace which is why Hitler used it and made it into something evil. ["...no that's another symbol tht everyone critizes it for beign a swastic gt your fucking facts staright and learn each of the symbols"] You are an idiot that needs to learn how to spell. Hitler used this symbol because he was sick and twisted and wanted to get everyone to believe that he was promoting peace! Fucking NOOBS!
you know what? i have ALWAYS seen the swastika in there somewhere...:P
This is definitely a nazi symbol otherwise you would rotate the image to be flat as the peace symbol Hitler originally took it from. Also check out the hardcore Muslim nazis in WW2 interesting to see today's racial divide
damn nazis are still around..
Oh Mah Gawd... You realize thats not a illuminati connection right, its a swastika, the nazi callsign.
Dear top comment, this is nazi not illuminati
meh this is a stretch. :/ it barely looks like a swastika and even so a swastika can still be a religious or decorative symbol. xDD
So no one has noticed that he just put a swastika beside the columbia logo? And that you can't actaually turn the columbia logo into a swastika without moving *all* the lines around, and then all you've done is drawn a swastika.....
swastika originally meant well being.. the meaning evolved into ETERNITY over time ..
The founder of Columbia was Jewish.
haha. the god damn controversy one image can create.