Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
If this were true I highly doubt They would be mad
Its funny cuz hes fat!
And there goes my Childhood
Did the ground die?
They're having angry sex
I don't know how I didn't see it sooner. Cleary dugtrio is just three angry-looking gay men stuck underground.
OH NO! It's been rule 34'd. O.o
i can not comput this felling in my lover sistems bebopbop
So anyway... are those their noses, or their tongues?
sooo... is this what you jerk off to?
where's the tooth
LMFAO thats fucking great
you forgot their tooth
TT__TT no.. why?
nerd gay porn!!!
3 people but only 5 legs.... lovely
This is even worse than the other Diglet one... y'know... with the 'mouth'...
Well, there goes my childhood.
theres only 5 legs?
Pays to be on top
That's not the point of this site. You lose.
ffs ... WRONG EFFIN IMAGE :'( :'(
#0_0 The shortest one's right arm is going through the middle sized one's torso!
Internet used ruin childhood! It's super effective…
hahahahaha! this is great!!
There goes my childhood
hahahaha never would have thought of it this way
lol cameltoe.
hahaha thats actually really funny
this was my favorite pokemon..........i think i might be gay
mmm... yummy
I know that people already thought up of this, but here it goes... TOUCH MY POKEBALLS.
bad. just bad
hahahahahaha!! this is great!
Rule 34