Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
'Matt and Trey did that on purpose. It's freaking south park...' What did they tell you that when you were sucking their dicks?
its suposed to be obvious, satan is gay, satan has penis abs.
Matt and Trey did that on purpose. It's freaking south park...
Literally just realized he's wearing a thong...
god you have a talent of finding dicks everywhere around you -.-'
When you realize that those black shorts aren't shorts and are actually pubes sticking out of the thong
I'm afraid Ive got some bad news for u buddy
I looks like there are penises on the posters in the background too
I have unseen this picture.
It's south park, this is bound to happen!
oh so thats where he keeps it, i was looking for it last night when we were in bed before he went back, oh well :/
haha i noticed this years ago.
He wasn't gay this late into the series. This was the first episode he was in.
'Matt and Trey did that on purpose. It's freaking south park...' What did they tell you that when you were sucking their ****?' How did that get 75 thumbs up? That's just a childish person resorting to a childish insult.
'Matt and Trey did that on purpose. It's freaking south park...' What did they tell you that when you were sucking their dicks?