Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Michelangelo put in there as a snub to the Catholic church. They declared it illegal to operate on cadavers for scientific research, but doctors and Michelangelo himself practiced it in secret... he included the fruits of his research in this painting to elaborate on their own metaphor.
God only exists in the mind
Lol some retard just misspelled Van Gogh while telling of another retard
Does Dan Brown know about this? I smell another million copy snorer!
ASSASSINS CREED 2 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, is invented by man. Look, its like something he just invented, its inside the head.
It was Michelangelo who painted the Sistine Chapel, not DaVinci....
I learned who painted this from Assassin's Creed 2 :D
religion is all in your head... theres proof.
At least everybody got brains in there...
This is why I'm a pastafarian
Why is everyone talking about ninja turtles????????
God is all in the mind
Divinci didn't cut his ear off, fucktard. That was Van Gough. XD
Lol some retard misspelled off while taking the piss out of another retard for misspelling Van Gough.
I came
Yeah, but originally they thought the heart was the center of thought, not the brain...
Oh F@$k, my Medulla Oblongata!
ITS ALL HUMAN IMAGINATION!!?? great now i can kill people witouth fear or remorse....AWESOME!!! :DD
QI much
"Lol some retard just misspelled Van Gogh while telling of another retard" And you misspelled off while pointing out that retard's mistake
If the main reason you do not kill people without fear or remorse is your fear of being punished by a magical sky man after you die, I pity you.
Actually that's not an accident at all. It was on cracked too... with the jesus cross with the huge junk XD
Anybody ever notice that 'God' is pretty much always surrounded by naked dudes...half of which are children...?
Heard about the guy who got kicked out of the library because he was moving all the bibles to the fiction section?
The Catholic Church never declared it to be illegal to operate on cadavers for scientific research. In fact, a lot of the research which involved dissection of corpses took place in Catholic universities.
Lol some retard just misspelled 'off' while telling off yet another retard.
I saw that on westworld's finale
It could also suggest how we visualize God in the image our mind creates simply because no one really knows what God looks like. Just as you see this metaphor in his paintings as proof of no existence, I see it as how human nature is and how our minds work.
im eating -.-
Yeah Da Vinci didn;t paint this dumbass(es).
The Church never banned dissection of cadavers. Get your facts straight, n00b.
If that were true, shouldn't it be the tree of knowledge, or the apple, reaching out to Adam? God wanted us oblivious...
Everyone says that it exists in the mind, but he seems to be breaking free from that barrier. Problem?
Has anyone stopped to think that this is perhaps Michelangelo the scientist's own little clever way to stress the concept of the intelligent design theory on another level within the painting?
May the FSM touch you with his noodlely appendage, AMEN!
god, if something exists like a "god" (a perhaps guiding, teaching, loving consciousness of the all spirit, which is in everything), is in the brain; in the mind. we are conscious beings experiencing life/god > through our sensory organs > the brain > consciousness > (collective conscious?) > god.
Michelangelo put in there as a snub to the Catholic church. They declared it illegal to operate on cadavers for scientific research, but doctors and Michelangelo himself practiced it in secret... he included the fruits of his research in this painting to elaborate on their own metaphor.