Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
now that's why i always thought my old vcr was attractive.
it says anus
the sony fanboy called himself an idiot... you only put a dash with a word behind after a sentence if you're saying who its from.- non idiot
he's missing a finger...
now i know why my old vcr was attractive.
Ill never look at my VCR the same way again...
its an upside down V , half an N , maybe a U , and a squashed backwards C ... clever ?
the sony fanboy really needs to calm down
If you are trying to say that the Sony logo is a subliminal message that says "anus," I say you are trying too hard to fabricate a coincidence that isn't really there. By cutting the word in half you are removing half of the "S" in anus, therefore it doesn't spell anus. Too much imagination went into this one. Maybe that is the word you saw because you like things in your anus? - Idiot.
You are the only one who can see this, because you have an anal fetish, given to you by your father, who loved "getting IT" up the brown eye...
Who seriously takes the time to stare at a Sony logo and think "Omg! If you flip this upside down and cut half of it off, it says anus!" I mean, really?
why do people have all this time to turn stuff upside down??
It's my sex box and her name is SONY
"now that's why i always thought my old vcr was attractive." so you put it in upside-down?
Let's see what you wagered Sean Connery--and--it appears you are defecating on my grave...
i don't get it.
more like "Anub"
sony is the latin word for the male name sonni
now that's why i always thought my old vcr was attractive.