Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
If I see this Fucking picture one more motherfucking time, somebody is going to die.
i think its supposed to be a man with a giant weiner...
It was gay the first time. It's gay now.
i dont get it either
WOO. I'm in America's penis!
"Dinosaurs go rawr."
MAD TV skit, dumbasses.
You guys all fucking fail. Its a guy, with a pan, frying KFC
Its so big, Its in 2 time zones
Mimal the chef! I learned this in 4th grade! The proclaimed penis is actually to be seen as a plate, while Kentucky is to represent Kentucky fried chicken.
wow i didnt even know about this in 4th grade!
I don't get it... >.
MIMAL the elf sure is excited...
"If I see this **** picture one more motherfucking time, somebody is going to die." yeah? you gonna backspace them to death?
now it reminds me of the chef from the muppets
this is exactly what our fore fathers planned when all the states got mapped out
I see a man skydiving with Jesus and a Jaguar while Barack Obama and The Flash are Eiffel Towering Megan Fox....what the fuck is it SUPPOSED to be?
the game.
its a penis
a guy.. with a boot on his head?
Hawaii says Hi.
Bear with a Big Cock
It's supposed to be a chef frying chicken. Minnesota is supposed to be a chef's hat, if that clears up anything, and Kentucky is supposed to be chicken.
Its an upside down water horse! ... You know, like a Disney mermaid version of a seahorse.
the the unseen american chefs.
But... I thought Florida was America's wang...
if u add kentucky it would be chicken [ kentucky fried chicken ]
if you add kentucky it would make chicken on a platter!
i don't get it either
wtf am i looking at?
It's an upside-down zombie, OBVIOUSLY.
If I see this Fucking picture one more motherfucking time, somebody is going to die.