Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
You draw a bunch of spires that are tall and thin, eventually one's gonna look like a penis. It happens.
hmmm whats ariel looking at?
no this was done on purpose by the designer of the cover, who discovered he was going to be fired, and finished the cover off, it was later edited, but i have the original
So in elementary school I had this problem where I couldn't stop drawing these...
that's edward cullen dick... you see, it sparkles
dude u have to KNOW what your looking for to find that lol. whoever posted this pic is a sick person :)
The Little Spermaid
Teaching children about reproduction the subtle way - by subliminal messages
The story about the artist drawing it on purpose and being fired is a lie. http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/mermaid.asp
Prince: enjoying the view eh??
Welcome to my undersea phallus palace!
Do you know how many foods look like dicks? THE BEST KINDS!
that's edward d**k,... you see, it sparkles
The artist drew that on purpoze
who's the gay that always see penises on everything?, daaaaamn, F%#^in perverts
it HAS the golden balls! or should i say.. BALLS OF STEEL!
have you people noticed the hamburger aswell?
So Disney has one small phallacy...
What's the point of making a penis tower anyway?
the guy being fired is a really big myth...
WOOOOO Ride the tower man!
My friend has that orginal cover with the penis on it :D
i have one of the original covers my sister found it when i was 5 or 6 (she was 11 or 12)
Weird...costume ad below it...
that's edward cullen dick... you see, it sparkles
This picture isn't the best quality. Try and find an old copy, that penis is there. I've seen it. It is undeniable.
Yes, this really was on the original release of the Little Mermaid VHS tapes. I worked in a video store and spotted it myself before others pointed it out. My understanding is that Disney quickly changed it on subsequent printing runs without changing any release date printing so that boxes that look like first releases and don't have a penis castle are, in fact, not first releases.
I actually have the original copy with the penis on it! XD
this shouldnt even be on here.... anyone whos every seen the little mermaid case knows about that... hell me and my cousin saw it when we were like 6, bored, and staring at it yearrrrsss ago
it was revenge on disney.
Come to think of it, they all look like penis's...
`WTF ? A DiCK ?
This is the same city as in Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz except gold. Look it up!
I would so bone ariel....dont like you know you would to
who's the gay that always see penises on everything?, daaaaamn, F%#^in perverts
the designer who made this cover did this on purpose, aswell as with other disney movies. it took disney a while before they noticed it and fired the guy.
"You draw a bunch of spires that are tall and thin, eventually one's gonna look like a penis. It happens." this was intentional or both Simba thinking of SEX in the clouds was a mistake and so is Aladdin blowing dust and the non dusty part spelled SEX or the little rescuers holding a penis in their bed of a can of sardines.
The artist actually put it there because they pissed him off, him quit/got fired shortly after.
This is older than the penis itself.
whats really funny is the letters spelling out "fuck" hidden in the spray around ariel....
You draw a bunch of spires that are tall and thin, eventually one's gonna look like a penis. It happens.