Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
They're for the same brand. The half-heart is the men's logo.
Idiots - they live amongst us...
are you really that dumb?
Did u know its a mountain and a huge wave
the single one is the quicksilver logo then quicksiler made a womens brand called roxy so the made 2 quicksilver logos into a heart to make the roxy logo
they're owned by the same company r-tards...its supposed to be that way
the mens logo was the original, for quicksilver, the wave over a mountain because they make surf and snowboard gear. the heart is for roxy which is owned by quicksilver but roxy is a different division making womans skate clothes and various products
Nice work sherlock -_-
wow, its meant to be that way
it's not half a heart, it's a wave and a mountain...
it's obvious by posts like these (which are most of what this site is made up of) that the people who visit this site are kids and morons... and honestly, the sooner younger people realize that they don't know SHIT, the sooner they can go out and get a damn education and stop ruining the country by being a 30 year old with a high school diploma working retail. seriously.
you didnt immediately notice this? what a dumbass
Hurr durr derp.
this one was so fricken obvious that even a 3year olf could spot that
i found this out when i first saw the roxy logo!! which was like in 2005
Looks like a duck.
Its another dog disguised as a duck
Thanks for the attempt to contribute, but no.
You are so stupid LOL It's not about the fact that they're alike... It's a tsunami
quicksilver owns roxy, dipshits.
Are you serious?
...is not even a heart... Quicksilver is a wave and a mountain... they just put another one to make a heart... Roxy brand is new and shit... wtf
They're for the same brand. The half-heart is the men's logo.