Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
lame and a complete reach..if you have to modify the image kind of defeats the point of "can't be unseen." Every time I see the original London logo...I never see this...again lame
Wow... First Bart, now Homer? What a slore!
Lisa simpson sucking off homer...
you know this world is fuc ked when people can turn simple shapes sexual
It's Lisa and Marge 69ing.. Duh. (;
cool story bro
Actually, when coloured properly, its Lisa giving BART a blowjob, dickwad
Marge and Lisa 69ing..
It's Bart, you idiot!
what the fuck
already say this too
It could also be read as "ZION".
I can't tell if it's a blowjob or getting fucked from behind
I think it's supposed to look like a chick sucking a guy's dick. Um, the red figure on the right image is the girl, and the yellow block in the middle is her hand. You do the rest.
Hmm... that's a bit of a stretch...
lame and a complete reach..if you have to modify the image kind of defeats the point of "can't be unseen." Every time I see the original London logo...I never see this...again lame