Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Most people probably realize this as soon as they learn the word "satan". In other words, fuck you.
Congratulations on your extreme gayness.
no wonder the world is so corrupt... you let Satan in your homes every year...
Guys, this is obviously posted by the dyslexic devil worshiper that accidentally sold his soul to Santa. He's just trying to get the word out to read contracts thoroughly.
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper? He sold his soul to Santa.
Isn't it kind of obvious when you have an old guy in red keeping tabs on the "naughty and nice" kids?
Look! I always knew there was something evil about TIA cable spec's.
wow cool, you switched some letters around
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper? He sold his soul to Santa.
and if you look closer you can make it spell out "piss off ass turd"
imagine doing an unscramble problem with this.....
the church lady taught me this one?
Right below the picture there is an add about the story of satan... i dont know either
no wonder santa wears red
You realize Bill Bailey already used this in his stand up comedy ages ago?
Thats why he wears red.
do i still get presents???
I'm on to you fat man
whats so great about it? santa is not fucking exist.
I wonder how many letters Satan gets from dyslexic kids every December
Well, actually Santa is the son of Satan just like how Jesus is the son of God. Which is both bull shit.
SANTA CLAUS l l l l l l l l l l l l SATAN's CLAWS
I never even noticed that , no realy , this joke is more overused than niggers liking KFC
My whole 3rd grade class knew this by the time the Blair Witch project('99) came out, it's obvious he wears red & the white stands for "purity" meaning "pure" bloodshed of those that are naughty &/or nice...plus I think we see seen some cartoon that says this or something cuz if you look at the abbreviation for Christmas, shit=X-Mas, latin meaning sex more "mas=more" X=kill?drink?sex? your pic, but screw it christmas is still christmas just don't wait for some fat guy jumping down a chimney
The Church Lady (SNL) beat you to it, dumbass.
Wow. Amazing.
New meme begin here: "santa is not fucking exist"
Its the same with gary oldman -> gay oldman. Santa is santa, satan is satan
If you change four letters of cake you will get beer. Dumbass.
Captain Obvious saves the day again!
I kind of realized this when I saw "santa" making out with my drunk mother!
And if you spell "Natasha" backwards, it spells "Ah, Satan"
...I hate Christmas now
Well, they both wear red and sneak in your house at night and when they do, they're really sooty. ;)
Watch the movie Santa Slay... Your welcome
Most people probably realize this as soon as they learn the word "satan". In other words, fuck you.