Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
My name is Earl...
My name-a Borat. I like you.
Earl obviously wins...
@i love how whoever made this completely stole my picture. http://cantbeunseen.com/unmoderated-what-has-been-seen/19898-simon-and-garfunkel-mousta Thanks asshole. I'm still taking credit for this. He did it alot better... Not to mention a saw another one before this..
i thought that was John Wilkes Boothe
you stay classy simon & garfunkel
OMFG I jst got a pun in my head from left 4 dead 2! the achievment "bridge over trubled SLOUGHTER" lol
I had no clue that Seth Rogen was my bridge over troubled water.
he's too lazy to grow a mustache, he has to steal one!
70's gay porn star
he's a mustachio gay
Simon and Garfunkearl
Surprise buttseks
its earl :O kwl :D
Did anyone else think that was John Travolta?
It looks like Dan Aykroyd with a Mustache D:
My name is Earl...