Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
i always saw that as a little kid. was wondering for years why batman had a weird shaped dentural yellow image for a logo
HAHAHAHHAHAHHA........... no.
son, i am dissapoint
I had to concentrate to see that
Either that or a foursome.
It looks like balls and butts! bottom butts, top balls! haha
No. Just, no.
You sir, are an idiot.
yellow tits!!!
We should totally join a group..... I too saw the teeth as a child...
I also saw this as a kid. I would always just draw the yellow bumps if I wanted to draw the batman logo. Then one day in day care I blew my fucking mind when I realized it was a bat. That was almost 20 years ago and I still remember it so vividly.
Upper side: 2 Headed dicks Down side: 2 Asses
or are you retarded
move your text box over 3 pixels
it should be like a test. you see dentures, you are strangely interested in teeth. you see the balls and ass, you are most likely extremely bisexual.
3 big balls at the top and a chode and 2 assed at the bottom
aduh :| =))
LMAO evry time I saw the bat man logo I always took a double take cuz I always thought they were teeth lol
Oh i see it, looks like cartoon teeth. Ha!
ALWAYS thought this! Spend my whole life thinking I was the only one =P
I always saw a pair of boobs and two hands in those gloves that are trying to touch the boobs... But whatever you say, man.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. i really never will unsee.
The wings of a bee above a waterlilly. Excuse me for being such a weak romantic :)
this should have been in mindfuck
wow, 2 other people saw this as kids! i remember so clearly, in preschool kids used to wear shirts w the logo on them and id be like wtf??
A pair of yellow breasts on top and two yellow mittens on bottom trying to grab them?
The Top Yellow looks like a small d*ck with huge balls..
anybody else see a man with a mustache?
i always saw that as a little kid. was wondering for years why batman had a weird shaped dentural yellow image for a logo