Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
That's the whole bloody joke guys, no-one knows what cubone looks like under the skull mask but the body shape looks suspiciously like a baby kangaskhan
it does in a way make sense. sense they were all genetically derived from existing animals by some geneticists. Plus I remember when I played the Gameboy editions Marowak evolves that way around the corpse of his mother i think. and that is why he has a large skull that fits his head and a bone to fight with. I think it's what happens when their mother dies before they leave the pouch.
How can there be GROTH of any kind of pokemon, let alone Kengaskhan? You have just been cited by the grammar police.
So, the cubones mam dies and instead of lburying her, it goes insane, strips the flesh from her bones and starts wearing bits of her corpse?! What in the world is wrong with these pokemon?!
This is true. Baby kangaskhan was removed from the game. Though the developers were lazy and just changed it into "UnknownNo."
"played the Gameboy editions Marowak evolves that way around the corpse of his mother i think" Yea. Thats the story of cubone, i think i saw that in an episode like forever ago. cubone is a baby kangaskan with a skill on his head
This was somewhat intentional, actually. When pokemon was originally developed they intended to have kangaskhan be the second evolution of a pokemon, but changed him into a stand alone character. The pokemon you caught that you all know as 'M or Missing no. was supposed to be the previous evolution of Kangaskhan. Instead of deleting the character (A time consuming process) they decided to change the name, texture, and get rid of your ability to catch it. That is why giving 'M a rare-candy causes it to evolve into kangaskhan.
VIZARD Pokemon!!!!111oneone
lazy graphic designers are lazy
Actually, Marowak was originally intended to evolve into Kangaskhan, but the designers decided against it at the last minute. Instead of redoing to whole game an removing the code, they simply moved it to a new location, hence MissingNo.
It all kind of makes sense. The skull on cubone's head is supposed to be it's dead mother's. Although both male and female kangeskhans have pouches, in the real world usually only females have such pouches to carry their young. So if a kangeskhan dies before it's baby grows up, it becomes a cubone. God I feel nerdy.
Why is it that every picture i go on the comment under the picture is the highest rated comment its ******* RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha some fag knows how to use photoshop and now all you fags who haven't played a single pokemon game since r/b/y are acting like you know everything. GTFO Oh and btw there are no male kanghaskans
Well, there have been studies. If an animal grows up in situation where it has no room, i.e. the head never leaves the skull, its head would simply not grow after reaching the confines of its cage. Also, this would explain why, no matter how much marowak's ass is kicked, the skull never happens to fall off. It's head is simply too big to come out of the skull now unless the skull is broken. But seeing as how pokemon never seem to sustain any permanent damage, keeping with the children's show ratings for american tv (and yes i know the games came first), that would lend s to believe that pokemon are indestructible and thus the skull can NOT be broken.
A glitch Pokémon(Missingno.) is a Pokémon not intended to be part of the game, but can be accessed through the use of glitches. All glitch Pokémon are either filler data or the game attempting to read an empty hexadecimal address. Get your facts straight.
Basically, the little guy in the pouch isn't a pokemon. It doesn't have a name.It doesn't evolve. It doesn't exist.
Also, the baby in the puch looks alot like Sandshrew...
As per pokemon yellow's pokedex entry for cubone: "Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody."
mother and theye live neare charzards and when it eventualy dies the scull is left behind compare the sculls when the baby leaves and finds the remains and uses the scull and a bone fore defence frome other pokemon the scull and bone forms into the babies so when it evolves the bones grow with it the end
Well pokemon yellows pokedex entry for cubone IS "Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody."
All other comments on this pic make me say:SHEEEEEEEEEIT
Omg. That explains where cubones com from.
MisingNo. WaS HeRe
i'm gay irl
Hmm... but Kangaskhan head doesn't look much like the Cubone and Marowak skull.
What I find weird and unforgettable is how serious you people are about pokemon.
Well pokemon yellows pokedex entry for cubone IS "Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody."
Can spell Kanghaskan... can't spell growth.
Cubone was originally going to evolve into Kanghaskhan, but they changed it last minute.
Its simple. Cubone's original name was orphan when translated from Japanese. A baby kangaskhan who loses it's mother leaves home on his own, and later returns much stronger to it's mother's grave. Cubone then digs up her skull and "evolves" into Marowak by wearing it as a helmet. A baby Kangaskhan who does not lose it's mother will grow up to be a normal Kangaskhan. Perhaps there are no loops in its evolutionary chain at all, because it grows naturally rather than evolving.
I thought it was a Mudkip..
its gay...
Do you guys really have to make a big deal of this? It's a joke.
That's the whole bloody joke guys, no-one knows what cubone looks like under the skull mask but the body shape looks suspiciously like a baby kangaskhan