Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
i have a PhD on ass-rapery
PSYCHO THE RAPIST would have been lot better
PHD = Pretty Huge Dick btw, so imagine a Psycho The Rapist with a PHD? o.0
Tobias Fünke, M.D. - ANALRAPIST
I knew there was something wrong with my therapist...
That's the sound your mother made last night, Trebek!
Analrapist: Part Analyst, Part Therapist.
Eddsworld comics win!
saturday night live jeopardy thought of it first. YOU FAIL
I'm a psychologist, analyst and therapist. They call me Psycho, Anal Rapist.
Rape is never funny. Fuck you.
what's really funny is I am a massage therapist. anyone want a happy ending for $50??? females are $100, 'cuz they take longer.
Let's try "The Rapists" for $20 Suck it Trebek ! (?
Was on squidbillies (I didn't watch the show, honest!)
lol this was on Home Movies
"prepare for your sodomy" "oooh, sounds fancy, some kind of cleansing technique?" "um, yea."
lol eddsworld
why do you think pedobear has a phd in child therapy?
It's not rape if you yell SUPRISE!
Obviously, we have a rapist in lincoln park!
psychotherapist - the = ?????
Manslaughter=mans laughter
You can also say Philanthropist really fast, and come out with "Full on rapist".
Connery: "It looks like this is my lucky day!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAPEjcQvqSk
stolen from squidbillies?
I take the "The" out of psychotherapist.
I was an analyst and a therapist. The world's first "analrapist".
you got that from celebrity jeoperdy! when sean says ill tkae the rapist for 400!
I saw this on SNL! Don't believe me? Here's a link! http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/25633d24e1/snl-celebrity-jeopardy-5-9-98
How *are* you?
LOL , that's pretty funny wonder why I didn't catch that before o.o
Once, while traveling in a bus, my girlfriend saw an office for THE RAPIST once and hid under the seat. Needless to say, she didn't hide very well.
Thera must be pissed
Mind TheRapist.
PHD = Pretty Huge Dick Now imagine how it goes: Psycho The Rapist with a PHD!
My old English teacher had a band called the Therapists with the R capitalized.
Someday I will merge my great visions of my great Analyzing skills with Therapy. I shall be the first Analrapist
Didn't they already make this joke in an Eddsworld comic?
Therapists: the rapists f the mind.
thats why i stopped going to that place
lois lane mentions this in a Batman comic
I have a PhD - Pretty Hugh Dick.
girl interrupted
Yeah the squidbillies,it really funny
Pretty obvious.
It all makes sense now....
well sean connery could have told you that
Eh, I've known that for years.
Therapist Finder - TheRapistFinder.com mole station nursery - MolestationNursery.com Experts Exchange - ExpertSexChange.com Power-Gen Italia - PowerGenitalia.com Pen Island - Penisland.net Who Represents? - WhorePresents
I would go see a therapist after seeing this... Buuuuut...
O hell no😂
i have a PhD on ass-rapery