Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Way to go genius, despite the fact that it's publicly known that the character's look was based on Amy Lee.
You're either fail trolls or morons. That album came out 2 years before Ergo Proxy.
Hi, my name is Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way.
@top Idiot, the character is based on Amy Lee. Christ the internet gets dumber every fucking day.
Amy Lee also reminds me of that chick from that show...Storm Hawks I think it was...CYCLONIS was her name, that's it...ANYWAY she kinda reminds me of her as well.
So Tokyo Hotel's lead singer is definitely a chick
Sorry, but on the first look I thought it was Bill Kaulitz.
I'm listening to Evanescence right now O.o Go Amy Lee :D
She is missing a finger.
Amy Lee Rocks!!!!!!!!
hahaha, its funny when people think that bands like Evanescence paramore and lacuna coil are "bitch bands" when it takes real talent to be able to sing the way amy lee does and write music thats just as beautiful while it conveys a message at the same time. so shut the hell up and take the time to actually listen to these "bitch bands" and youll see why so many people like them
Those bands are a fucking joke and are scrutinized by everyone and their mum.
Lookit, the thing that's supposed to look like the thing totally looks like that thing! Byeah!
Rosannes daughter Marylin Manson
On purpose!
Who says that by comparing the two they are insinuating that Amy Lee stole her idea for the cover from Ergo Proxy? The same can be said about the inverse.
I need healing!!
The artist confessed he drawed Lil Mayar from her. No big surprised.
fuck sake ....if you dont know who the president is, or how many sides there are on a triangle .... that makes u a total fuckin moron, but if sum1 happens to not have ever heard that the character was based on amy lee ... that hardly makes them a fuckin dick does it?? b4 seeing this picture i had never heard of either... i must be a total cunt!!
Way to go genius, despite the fact that it's publicly known that the character's look was based on Amy Lee.