Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Collect all the other continents and complete your T-Rex today!
How the hell do people even see this shit?
Africa looks like a horse's face anyway.
Dino's are fun, why did god send them to Mars?
OMFG... I know how to make the full T-Rex now... Eurasia is the neck and body, US is the tail and part of the leg, and Greenland is the other part of the leg, Australia's the claw,
flip it!
Its a dog wearing a mask
greenland looks like a sideways wolf
I'm not saying that one day two continents will breed to create a giant dinosaur utopia. All I'm saying is just to consider it. And also buy guns. Lots and lots of guns.
Looks like a Unicorn had a baby with a T-Rex
So THAT's where Jurassic Park was.
Funny thing is Carnotaurus lived in South America.
Add New Zealand and you have the arm
its pangea dumbmass.
Primal Rage!
Q:"How the hell do people even see this shit?" A: Marijuana
It all makes sense now...
too bad they are actually moving in opposite directions. Hence how they split up before and know have matching opposite coastlines. duh.
It honestly looks more like a Carnotaurus. Just saying...
Some assembly required.
wow i does look like one
If you look closely at Africa again. You can see a child's face looking to the right.
Pangea - you're doing it wrong
How do people figure this out in the first place !?
so that's what happen to Gon (tekken 3)..no wonders he's not in the series anymore..
sweden, norway and finland looks like a ferret together...
Holy mother of god....
Africa is secretly Onix though...
looked like Africa was gonna hump S.America .with that big protrution
Agreed, how the fuck DO people notice this shit? SERIOUSLY? It's got me mind fucked....
Quote: How the hell do people even see this shit? -ZOMG TEH VODKA MAGIC!
t rex was also in canada, and that looks more like a carnotaur than a t-rex, what with the horned eyebrow and the other horn like protrusions between the nostrils and the eyes. still kinda neat tho
Thumbs up if u see a skeletom
what about the really sad sad face in australia??
Somebody thought way too much into this shit
When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was gonna be some lame-ass plate tectonics revelation. Instead, it was a motherfucking T-Rex. I applaud you, sir.
You win again, evolution!
I was worried for a second that you would have connected the two like a puzzle piece. Now *that* would be stretching it!
Bricks were shat.
The two actually slot together coast to coast, but how you saw that i dont know.
you have to have absolutely no life...
If didn't already know this retarded fucking
no, that's not a T-rex, more like a carnotaurus on the bottom picture. while it's still in the map it's a allosaurus
this has been around for quite a long time, and was made public by googleEarth where u can move places around
Oh fuck thats a a sweet dinosaur :D
lol, he seen this on google earth videos. xD
earth is just a giant trex fossil
i lost the game =/
GRAVITY CAT NOT AMUSED!!! Africa alone looks like a dinosaur.
it's amazing what you when your high
Collect all the other continents and complete your T-Rex today!