Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
maybe without all the damn writing on it
Ohhhh you're making fun of those kind of pictures
a plethora? all i see is a faceful of faggot.
All I see is a plethora of arrows on a domino's sign..
more like can't be seen :|
It's a bunch of arrows playing twister on a domino's pizza box! heh heh heh...I don't know what I'm doing with my life...just spending my time on here instead of doing my homework. It's already bad enough that I will never live up to my potential. Making stupid comments and terrible jokes hoping that I will live up to something, unaware that my own procrastination and longing for a feeling of accomplishment in life will be the cause of my own demise. Don't be like me. Don't waste your childhood trying to be 'cool'. It's not worth it. Soon, you'll be done with school, go to some wanna-be college, going to parties and forgetting to study, losing your dream of becoming an artist. You'll then have to work at McDonalds and live in a run-down apartment that's infested with rat's and cockroaches, somehow struggling to pay rent. You'll grow fat and old, lose all your friends and miss the chance to confront your one true love, living a sad, lonely life. You'll get fired from your job, being forced to live on the street begging for money. And as the passerby's ignore you constantly every day, you'll lay down in your soggy cardboard box and reflect on your life decisions and eating someone else's burger you found in the garbage. So live life smart. Don't be a screw up. And whatever you do, don't search the garbage for food. That's disgusting. Instead, buy a Domino® pizza. They're food is the best. I really suggest buying one. Now have a good life.
what is it supposed to be?
maybe without all the damn writing on it