Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
5 points.... 5 points... 5 points... TEN POINTS OH GOD FIFTY POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!
They could be hugging.
Obviously the guy who walked away twisted his feet around. We've all done it at least once. Get your mind out of the gutter!
It could be 2 separate floors... or gryffindor has some action going on...
It's a foursome, each standing on a feet.
JK. Rowling is known for hiding innuendoes within the books, for the adult readers. Eg, the whole 'dumbledores brother had sex with a goat' thing, and that Cenitores are known for dragging human women into the woods and raping them, (google it) and these are the creatures that drag Umbridge away.. So i wouldnt be suprised if this was another one of them... how i love Harry Potter :) haha.
I can't... fight it... WINGARDIUM LEVIOSAAH!
No wonder Herminie was the best student
10 points to gryffindor
"it has to be fake. She'd have to be on her knees ;D" Not if it's with Hagrid!
It's a hug, people. Wash your minds out. And, anyway, whoever said that thing about Rowling and innuendos, this is part of the FILM, not the BOOK. Doofus.
Actually this IS from Harry potter not national treasure u dumb ass
it has to be fake. She'd have to be on her knees ;D
Good job Luna.
does it mean sex xD?
I'm starting to think that from this page to now on is nonsense-.-
5 points.... 5 points... 5 points... TEN POINTS OH GOD FIFTY POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!