Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
This is literally the plot to the Prestige
All together. Wolverine behind 2 Bat Men. Inside of Kirby.
I ship it.
No, it's a duck with a dog mask
Batman vs Batman. get ready to divide by zero
I see a batman costume split in half and wrapped around a Twinkie.
Wolverine has a huge nose
Uqhh, UIm Tryinq To See Wolverine But I Only See 2 Bat Freaks. :(.
More like two Batmen in a gay fantasy porno.
Honestly, it's more so two Batmen kissing, but it does look like Wolverine with a totally fucked up mouth.
robin wearing the batbsuit kissing the mirror?
fucken retards, THIS picture is EPIC! so fucken say it. give it what it deserves.
a really pointy boob...
I can't unsee this D:
Batman is gay?
I saw Wolverine first
i see a twinkie
it takes two bat mens to make one wolverine.. end of the fight marvel wins
or 3 wolverine?
not kirby..psyduck
This is literally the plot to the Prestige