Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Naughty, naughty Rapunzel... you see it in her eyes
Eh, that's kind of a reach.
it's sfx they put that in every movie
ive seen enough hentai to know where this is going
Disney's at it again!
She gave him a hair job later
The disney subliminal messages are so lame... It's obviously not put there on purpose, idiots.
Disney does that in every movie, especially Pocahontas.
I can't believe people actually believe Disney and think its Sfx. It's clearly an e
On a side note- everytime you curse here, the site kills a Santa. Fuck.... See?.. Can't be unseen/known whatever.
She gave him a hair job layer
ive seen enough hentai to know where this is going
looks like Disney has some teenage boys working at their company...
It says SFX. Dumbasses.
Again Disney? Seriously?
UH-OH Rapunzel's got her rape face on... 0_0
And at last she sees the light.
I can still fucking unsee it
Even the horse is upset with Rapunzel...
Look how jealous the horse is.
apples and grapes
She wants him so badly
That's not a stretch, that totally says sex bro...
a stretch? what are the chances?
The people that find these need to see therapists cause they're failing these roarsachs.
Disney says it's not S-E-X, but S-F-X. Easy to think otherwise.
way to ovisois saw it before i scrolled down
Look how jealous the horse is.
And you wonder why she was in the tower in the first place.
i would want sex to if i had been in a tower my whole life
How do people find this stuff?
goddamit disney... AGAIN, SERIOUSLY!?
Disney's done it once again.. Bravo, jackasses
They pulled this shit with the lion king.
Seriously. This one is so fucking stupid.
That stretch is longer than that *hot bitch's* hair.
Naughty, naughty Rapunzel... you see it in her eyes