Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Um, I'm pretty sure a gameboy doesn't flip open.
Okay how do you NOT notice this? I've known since Ruby and Sapphire. WHICH WAS WHEN I STARTED PLAYING. People don't pay attention. D:
The third one would look way better next to an advance SP
Are you people retarded? They did this intentionally.
Of course. Everything in the anime is meant to market the pokemon game..... and selling 2-3 versions per generation of pokemon games is mean for you to buy them all in order to catch them all... All marketing.
No fucking way! Nintendo is the creator of pokemon and the portables? Who would have thought of that!!!
Are YOU retarded? So what if it was intentional? It's still neat, something that a lot of people didn't notice before, and something that CAN'T BE UNSEEN (kinda the point, eh?)
All have buttons!
Um, I'm pretty sure a gameboy doesn't flip open.